Now showing items 101-120 of 5627

    • Small fish powder 

      Sean, V.; Ou, P.; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X (2023)
      Type: Poster
      Made from pounding small fish species that are often found in Cambodia, especially in the Mekong basin, small fish powder is a nutritional component. The purpose of this fish powder is to fight malnutrition, particularly ...
    • Sustainable aquaculture and community fish refuge management (khmer) 

      Sean, V.; Ou, P.; Sun, V.; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X; Vathanak Sun: 0000-0003-4650-6317 (2024)
      Type: Poster
      The Sustainable Aquaculture and Community Fish Refuge (SAFR) project, which falls under the BMZ Special Initiative “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems,” aims to reduce poverty and hunger. Under the BMZ ...
    • Sustainable aquaculture and community fish refuge management 

      Sean, V.; Ou, P.; Sun, V.; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X; Vathanak Sun: 0000-0003-4650-6317 (2024)
      Type: Poster
      The Sustainable Aquaculture and Community Fish Refuge (SAFR) project, which falls under the BMZ Special Initiative “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems,” aims to reduce poverty and hunger. Under the BMZ initiative, ...
    • Guidelines for patrolling community fish refuge systems 

      Ou, P.; Sean, V.; Sun, V.; Chhy, S.; Lim, N.; Mam, S.; Phin, P.; Eng, K.; Samon, C.; Phichong Ou: 0009-0002-7225-9954; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X; Vathanak Sun: 0000-0003-4650-6317 (2024)
      Type: Manual
      Considering that patrols in community fish refuge ponds are an important part of increasing natural fish stocks and protecting fish species to ensure the sustainability of fisheries resources, the Fisheries Administration, ...
    • Guidelines for stocking community fish refuge systems 

      Ou, P.; Sean, V.; Sun, V.; Chhy, S.; Lim, N.; Mam, S.; Phin, P.; Eng, K.; Samon, C.; Gregory, R.; Phichong Ou: 0009-0002-7225-9954; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X; Vathanak Sun: 0000-0003-4650-6317 (2024)
      Type: Manual
      The stocking of CFR ponds is an important action that can help enhance fish stocks, conserve endangered species, and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. The Fisheries Administration, in collaboration with ...
    • Feasibility of Cage Culture on Lake Malawi, Part 1: Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes 

      Kaunda, E.; Salima, C.; Macuiane, M.A.; Msiska, O.V. (2024)
      Type: Journal Article
      The feasibility of cage culture in Malawi was fully evaluated using standard procedures involving a sub-model of dissolved oxygen and phosphorus budget models to compute carrying capacities in relation to bathymetric ...
    • The role of nutritious food in protecting health 

      Ali, M.A.; Ali, H.; Khondker, M.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336; Murshed-E-Jahan Khondker: 0000-0001-9933-8631 (2023)
      Type: Brochure
      This brochure demonstrates the role of nutritious food (including fish especially small fish) in protecting health.
    • Nursery and culture management of Bagda chingri 

      Islam, M.; Rahman, M.; Reza, M.; Ahmed, M.; Hasan, M.; Ali, H.; Biswas, A.; Jaman, A.; Rashid, H.O.; Saha, P.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Brochure
      This brochure briefly outlines the nursery and culture management practices of Black Tiger Shrimp (Bagda), focusing on essential information. This publication has been developed targeting relevant farmers, aiming to increase ...
    • Role of Fish seed trader for aquaculture extension 

      Ali, M.S.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Brochure
      The brochure named “Role of Fish seed trader for aquaculture extension” has been published to extend the basic knowledge of the total scientific procedure for fingerling transportation from nursery to the production pond. ...
    • Festoon: Seed stocking management practices 

      Ali, M.S.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Other (Festoon)
      This festoon focuses on stocking management practices of fingerling in the pond during carp farming. Some important technical messages like natural food availability, water suitability testing, size of fingerling and ...
    • Festoon: Seed post stocking management practices 

      Ali, M.S.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Poster
      The main purpose of this festoon is to help the trainers and local service providers keeping the important messages of post stocking management practice around eyesight during deliver speech to trainee or provide technical ...
    • Festoon: Supplementary feed management practices 

      Ali, M.S.; Bhuyain, M.A.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Poster
      This festoon highlights some key takeaway information on feed management practices in Carp fish farming. The importance of supplementary feed to boost productivity along with feeding amount by fish size are mentioned in ...
    • Festoon: General problem and remedy of aquaculture 

      Ali, M.S.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Poster
      This festoon focuses on addressing some of the general problems and remedies encountered in Carp fish farming. Some prevalent challenges include water quality issues such as phytoplankton bloom, red scum, dissolved oxygen ...
    • Festoon: Fish seed nursery management practices 

      Ali, M.S.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Poster
      This flow-chart provides an outline of fish seed nursery management practices. This knowledge product is developed aiming to incorporate in farmers’ training program to visually communicate key information and content in ...
    • Festoon: Pond dike cropping management practices 

      Ali, M.; Ali, M.A.; Ali, H.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Poster
      This festoon aims to support facilitators engaged in training sessions with farmers, focusing on the management of pond dike cropping. The festoon emphasizes the significance of pond dike cropping in terms of both economic ...
    • Live Fish Transportation System: Delivering Fresh Fish from Pond to Market 

      Jaman, A.; Rashid, H.O.; Ali, H.; Biswas, A.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Video
      The video highlights the Live Fish Transportation System for larger-sized carp fish produced in northwestern Bangladesh. These live carp fish are transported to markets in Dhaka and other major cities using water-filled ...
    • Brochure: Nursery and culture management of Vetki fish (Asian Seabass) 

      Islam, M.; Rahman, M.; Reza, M.; Ahmed, M.; Hasan, M.; Ali, H.; Biswas, A.; Jaman, A.; Rashid, H.O.; Saha, P.; Hazrat Ali: 0000-0002-6303-1336 (2023)
      Type: Brochure
      This brochure has been developed on nursery and culture management of Vetki fish for nurserers and farmers. Asian seabass, also known as Vetki, is a popular fish in Bangladesh that is less bony, rich in unsaturated oil, ...
    • Catch Consumption and Employment Monitoring 

      Sean, V.; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X (2023)
      Type: Presentation
      The aim/purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate the results of the experiment of rice field fisheries , to get input for experiment protocol. The workshops were organized to make the audience understand the activities ...
    • Experimental results of homestead pond production in three workshops at Kampong Thom, Takeo, and Prey Veng 

      Sean, V.; Vichet Sean: 0009-0007-9881-078X (2023)
      Type: Presentation
      The aim of the presentation is to demonstrate the experimental results of the homestead pond production to get input for experiment protocol. The workshop organized to make the audience understand the activities of Asian ...
    • Could Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture be the Future of Farming? 

      Wardell, D. (2023)
      Type: Blog
      In a study published in Nature Food, WorldFish scientists reveal that Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture (IAA) in Bangladesh shows significant improvements in both nutrient and economic productivity. The study shows that ...