2021-05-242021-05-242021Rotawewa, B. Griffiths, D. Maung, Y. Khaing, W. W. Kaufmann, S. Muehlbauer, F. Htwe, Z. W. (2021). Guide for the construction of an FTT smoker in Myanmar (Burmese version). Myanmar: MYSAP. Manual.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12348/4729This illustrated guide, with diagrams and photographs (in Burmese) describes how to use locally available construction materials in Myanmar to construct an FAO-Thiaroye Processing Technique (FTT) improved fish smokers.PDFCC-BY-NC-4.0post-harvestcuringprocessing fishery productsFishGuide for the construction of an FTT smoker in Myanmar (Burmese version)Manual