TADAN training report
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28 trainees were trained to be trainers for downline tilapia farmers across fingerlings and grow out production systems. This is aimed at training 30 group of smallholder catfish farmers who are willing to diversify the farming with tilapia from Oyo State as master trainers for outgrow farming of GIFT tilapia in both pond based and cage based to market size; To provide guidance on the procedure to access a dam or a reservoir for cage culture of GIFT tilapia; To include the farmers in TADAN membership and establish farms of the master trainers as demonstration farms for the rest of the smallholder farmers in Oyo State; to agree the selection of farmers for training; to use the WorldFish's training manuals on the Training Curriculum for the Promotion of Commercial Aquaculture in Nigeria and the Manual on Nile Tilapia Seed Production and Grow out Aquaculture for the training of smallholder fish farmers.
Sunil Siriwardena. (6/8/2024). TADAN training report. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).
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WorldFish (WF)