Save the Children_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Annual Progress Report (APR) 2021 (Apr 2020-Mar 2021)

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WorldFish has been promoting nutrition sensitive fish and vegetable production systems to the beneficiary households of Suchana program. It comprises nutrition sensitive aquaculture and fisheries interventions along with the vegetable gardening to enhance dietary diversity of reproductive age women and children of less than 2 years old in Sylhet and Moulvibazar districts. Considering the expectations from the beneficiary households, WorldFish has also added to promote integrated support model through incorporating the small-scale poultry along with the aquaculture, fisheries and horticulture since 2018. Except two refresher trainings, almost entire activities had around 100% progress within the challenging situations of COVID 19 of current reporting year. Based on the targets, the intendent beneficiary households have received training, critical inputs and technical follow-ups. A total 17,051 (98%) HFP-BHHs, 184 (99%) Demo-pond BHHs and 2,713 (99.7%) IGA-Aquaculture and Fisheries BHHs have received their allocated inputs. A total 16,647 (96%) HFP-BHHs, 289 (117%) Demo-Pond BHHs and 310 (44%) IGA-Aquaculture BHHs have received training. As the community resource persons, Dem-pond operators have also disseminated different technical information to 16,131 households (310%); where 11,526 of Suchana beneficiary households 4,605 Non-Suchana households. Capacity building training, orientation, meetings and linkages events for the private and public sectors like fish hatcheries, nursery operators, patilwalas/ fingerling retailers, and officials of DoF and DAE have also been achieved. At least 2 fish hatchery operators, 33 nursery operators and 40 patilwalas/ fingerling retailers participated in different events. A total 178 officials from DoF and DAE local offices participated in different formal events. According to the findings from Semi-Annual Surveys led by iDE, average fish production per HFP-Aquaculture BHHs of Phase 3 unions have increased in 36.7 Kg/BHH in 2020 and that was 27.1 Kg/BHH before Suchana interventions in 2019. More than three-fifth (62%) of the harvest was used for the consumption at household levels. A portion (4.0 Kg/BHH) of the harvest was also gifted to their relative and neighbors. Almost one-third (10.1 Kg/BHH) of the harvested fish was sold at the market. The average earning was also increased in 1,528 BDT per BHH which was 1,084 BDT per BHH before Suchana intervention. Similarly, average fish harvest per IGA-Aquaculture BHHs of Phase 3 unions was more than doubled in 2020 (63.7 Kg/BHH) compare to the last year 2019 (31.4 Kg/BHH) before Suchana interventions. More than two-fifth (44%) of the harvest used for their own consumption. A portion (5.2 kg/BHH) of the harvest also gifted to their relative and neighbors. Almost half of the harvested fish was sold at the market; and that was 30.4 Kg/BHH. The average earning was 4,497 BDT per BHH which was only 181 BDT per BHH before Suchana intervention. Based on the results from the rapid assessment conducted by WorldFish in February 2021, IGA-Fishing BHHs have captured on an average 364.4 kg per household in last 1 year. Out of those, 23% (83.4 kg/BHH) consumed by their family members and 64% (231.8 kg/BHH) sold to the market; 10% (35.8 kg/BHH) gifted to their neighbour and relatives, and only 4% (13.5 kg/BHH) used for preparing the dry fish. It is notable that 80.0% of the IGA-Fishing BHHs prepared dry-fish mostly for their consumption, and some of them sold to the market as well. HFP-Subsistence-Fishing BHHs have captured on an average 106.7 kg per housheold in last 1 year. Out of those, 54% (57.2 kg/BHH) consumed by their family members and 36% (37.9 kg/BHH) sold to the market; 7% (7.4 kg/BHH) gifted to their neighbour and relatives, and only 4% (4.3 kg/BHH) used for preparing the dry-fish. More than one third (36.7%) of the Subsistence-Fishing BHHs prepared dryfish mostly for their own consumption. Similarly, HFP-Subsistence-Fishing & Poultry rearing BHHs have captured on an average 97.5 kg per housheold in last 1 year. Out of those, 58% (56.1 kg/BHH) consumed by their family members and 32% (31.6 kg/BHH) sold to the market; 3% (3.1 kg/BHH) gifted to their neighbour and relatives, and only 7% (6.6 kg/BHH) used for preparing the dry fish. Almost two-third (62.5%) of the Subsistence-Fishing & Poultry rearing BHHs prepared dry-fish mostly for their own consumption. Ultimately, there was very good progress in most of the indicators of targeted activities, outputs and outcomes, still, some beneficiary households are required further technical follow-ups to continue the better results. But second wave of current COVID19 situation is one of the larger challenges to continue the field activities.


MD. Abdul Baten, Ashoke Sarker. (28/4/2021). Save the Children_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Annual Progress Report (APR) 2021 (Apr 2020-Mar 2021).


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