GIZ_First yearly technical report on "Golden Standard Plus for Commercial Pond Aquaculture" May 2019 – December 2019
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This research project aims at supporting fish farmers to shift from “subsistence” to farming as a business by developing a proof on concept for sustainable commercial aquaculture in Malawi. The proofed concept will establish growth patterns of our indigenous fish species (O. shiranus, O. karangae and Tilapia rendalli.) fed on commercial feed with quality fingerlings and using Best Management Practices (BMPs).Trials will be conducted for 10 selected farmers across the country. There are trials also at the National Aquaculture Center NAC in Zomba, at LUANAR in Lilongwe and at the Fish Farming Research Center in Mzuzu. These trials will be used for comparisons between controlled conditions and on-farm trials. These pioneer farmers, together with station managers, were invited to a workshop with the aim to explain the project set-up and train the participants on Aquaculture Best Management Practices and Entrepreneurship.
GIZ_First yearly technical report on "Golden Standard Plus for Commercial Pond Aquaculture" May 2019 – December 2019.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Joseph Nagoli