Strengthening nutrition-sensitive aquaculture through enhancing nutritional behaviors and private sector engagements

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Nutrition is a fundamental concern for Bangladeshi farmers, their families, and the broader community. Unfortunately, there exists a limited understanding of balanced diets and the nutritional value of indigenous fish varieties, despite their vital role in Bangladeshi diets. Even healthcare providers often lack awareness of the importance of promoting farmed fish consumption to improve the population's overall health and well-being. To address these challenges, capacity development among healthcare professionals is essential. Their active involvement can significantly impact community nutrition and dietary habits. Moreover, there is a pressing need for better dissemination of nutritional information and the introduction of fish-based ready to-cook and ready-to-eat products, particularly among students who are the future consumers. Additionally, the engagement of women and youth in the aquaculture sector not only offers them economic opportunities but also plays a vital role in driving further improvements. With the support of Feed the Future Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition Activity, through this project Shushilan aims to bridge these gaps by promoting nutrition awareness within the community through various initiatives, complemented by various interventions.


Mst. Zohura Khatun. (29/10/2023). Strengthening nutrition-sensitive aquaculture through enhancing nutritional behaviors and private sector engagements.


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Contributes to SDGs

SDG 2 - Zero hungerSDG 3 - Good health and well-beingSDG 14 - Life below water