BMGF #1 Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria_June 2020 Milestone Report
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This report on Bangladesh private sector partnership agreements is submitted to BMGF as a June 2020 milestone for the Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria grant.
The document responds to the milestone requirements; specific documentation, such as contract documents and agreements, are readily available upon request. A summary of agreements can be found in annex 1 of this document.
The document is organized in the following way: section II describes the overall approach of the project on engaging private sector actors; section III describes how the project is engaging local private service providers; section IV describes how the project is engaging formal private companies. Section V describes conclusions, pending tasks and new ideas to be explored by the grant
Alvaro Paz Mendez, Bithika Hazra. (30/6/2020). BMGF #1 Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria_June 2020 Milestone Report.