Development of sustainable aquaculture project (DSAP): mid-term review report

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Development of Sustainable Aquaculture Project (DSAP) aims at promoting pond and rice field based aquaculture in collaboration with national institutes, NGOs and private sector. The Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) is its key partner in this endeavor. DSAP with a 5.5 million USD funding from USAID, under the Growth of Agribusiness and Small Business SO of USAID, launched a project covering 57 districts of Bangladesh. The duration of the project is from June 2000 to July 2005. The overall goal of this project is to increase the number of small enterprises producing and supporting the production of freshwater aquaculture products, improve the household income and enhance life circumstances of rural resource limited people. DSAP targets dissemination of low-cost improved technology packages to 35,000 demonstration farmers and an additional 175,000 spread over farmers by the end of the project. The project is implemented in 8 regions of the country through 33 partner NGOs of which 16 have provision of farmers’ grant and 17 NGOs do not.


WorldFish Center. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 34 p.


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WorldFish Center


