USAID_Feed the Future Cambodia-Rice Field Fisheries II project (2016 - 2021)_Semi annual report April 2017 - Sept 2017

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This third semi-annual report (#3) summarizes the progress over a period of 6 months from 01 April 2017 to 30 September 2017. All activities as prescribed in the annual work plan for Year 2 of the project (April 2017-March 2018) are generally on track. However, due to a combination of factors such as i)-Deteriorating Political Climate; ii)-Commune elections; iii)- Early Onset of Wet Season; iv)- Location of some CFRs in historical or archeological sites; and v)- Staff turnover, the project has had to spend extra time to deal with these issues, diverting resources from the implementation of planned activities.


USAID_Feed the Future Cambodia-Rice Field Fisheries II project (2016 - 2021)_Semi annual report April 2017 - Sept 2017


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