Monitoring and Evaluation Principles and Introduction to the MEL Platform
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The presentation was about key monitoring and evaluation terminologies and tools. The presentation further provides and introduction of the monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) platform, highlighting how it operationalises the former. The presentation introduces the result levels and their corresponding objective levels, Highlights the various result frameworks within the WorldFish areas of work, namely: the CGIAR Strategic Results Framework, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the WorldFish Strategic Plan; and the need to always endeavor to align project results to these frameworks. The presentation higlights the utility of the MEL Platform in doing so. The presentation further provides an introduction to impact pathways, theories of change, the logical framework and indicators. The attributes of quality indicators are explained and the functionalities of MEL related to the use of indicators for project monitoring and evaluation is presented.
Innocent Bikara. (27/10/2019). Monitoring and Evaluation Principles and Introduction to the MEL Platform. Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Innocent Bikara
Date available
WorldFish (WF)