Small fish production and nutrition

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This brochure has been developed on small fish production and nutrition for farmers. It discusses the necessity to uptake small fish and micronutrient value. High consumption of small fish in the diet plays a major role in preventing malnutrition among pregnant and lactating mothers and children. Small fish are rich in essential omega-fatty acids for the human body, which lower cholesterol levels in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. Oil of small fish reduces the risk of kidney stones, vitamin A improves vision, zinc boosts immunity, iron prevents anemia. This important source of animal protein and nutrient can culture in same pond with other carps with minimal cost and management. Farmer can know how to cut, wash and cook small fish without losing vitamin and nutrient contents. The audience can aware and enthusiastic to culture small fish besides other fish by reading this brochure.


Md. Ali, Hazrat Ali, Murshed-E-Jahan Khondker. (22/12/2023). Small fish production and nutrition. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).


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WorldFish (WF)



Contributes to SDGs

SDG 2 - Zero hungerSDG 12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 14 - Life below water