Diagnosis in a fish farmer’s backpack

cg.contribution.worldfishauthorCagua, F.en_US
cg.contribution.worldfishauthorDelamare-Deboutteville, J.en_US
cg.contributor.affiliationWilderlab NZ Ltden_US
cg.contributor.affiliationThe University of Queensland, School of Biological Sciencesen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Queenslanden_US
cg.contributor.affiliationIndependent / Not associateden_US
cg.contributor.crpBig Dataen_US
cg.contributor.funderCGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systemsen_US
cg.contributor.funderBig Data in Agricultureen_US
cg.contributor.funderThe University of Queensland, School of Biological Sciencesen_US
cg.creator.idJerome Delamare-Deboutteville: 0000-0003-4169-2456en_US
cg.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.creatorBarnes, A.en_US
dc.creatorDas, S.en_US
dc.creatorSilayeva, O.en_US
dc.creatorWilkinson, S.en_US
dc.creatorCagua, F.en_US
dc.creatorDelamare-Deboutteville, J.en_US
dc.description.abstractFish underpin future nutritional security, supplying high quality protein, iron, iodine and vitamin A that are critical to childhood development and deficient in many staple foods. In 2018, 54.1 million tonnes of fish were produced by farming, generating US$138.5 billion and employing 19.3 million people directly, mostly in developing nations. With expansion and intensification, disease losses are increasing and are a priority for the FAO sub-committee on aquaculture. In most developing countries, disease mitigation comprises over-stocking to compensate, and use of readily available antibiotics. Indeed 67 different antimicrobials are used in the 11 major producing countries, contributing to the global pool of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Accurate identification of the causes and sources of infectious disease is essential for implementation of evidence-based treatment, biosecurity and prevention. Pathogen genomics can provide sufficiently detailed information but has, to date, been too expensive and time consuming. Lab-in-a-backpack uses nanopore sequencing technology and low cost, low waste sample preparation to generate whole pathogen genome sequence data from diagnostic samples on the farm without laboratory support. Our simplified, safe, workflow includes a cloud-based identification tool that returns near real-time information about the pathogen using any laptop or smartphone. This enables evidence-based treatment, epidemiological tracing, AMR surveillance and the production of simple low-cost, locally produced “autogenous” vaccines to protect the next crop. These big-data-informed but locally implemented solutions, align well with FAOs recently proposed Progressive Management Pathway for Improving Aquaculture Biosecurity and can deliver real advances in local economy, nutritional security, antimicrobial stewardship and animal welfare.en_US
dc.identifier.citationAndrew Barnes, Suvra Das, Oleksandra Silayeva, Shaun Wilkinson, Fernando Cagua, Jerome Delamare-Deboutteville. (14/12/2021). Diagnosis in a fish farmer’s backpack. Video presentation directed and produced by the University of Queensland in collaboration with WorldFish. Video presented by Dr Andrew Barnes during the Crawford Fund Annual conference entitled: Food & Nutrition Security – The Biosecurity, Health, Trade Nexus (14 December 2021, Camberra).en_US
dc.publisherCrawford Funden_US
dc.subjectantimicrobial resistance (amr)en_US
dc.subjectnanopore sequencingen_US
dc.subjectepidemiological tracingen_US
dc.subjectlab in a backpacken_US
dc.subjectwhole pathogen genome sequence dataen_US
dc.subjectcloud-based identifiication toolen_US
dc.subjectautogenous vaccineen_US
dc.subjectaquaculture fish speciesen_US
dc.subjectrapid and accurate diagnosisen_US
dc.subjectaquatic animal infectious diseasesen_US
dc.subjectdata-driven managementen_US
dc.subjectevidence-based treatmenten_US
dc.titleDiagnosis in a fish farmer’s backpacken_US

