From strategy to action: ICLARM's medium term plan 1994-1998
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ICLARM was established in 1975 by the Rockefeller Foundation with a mandate to maintain and operate an international aquatic resources center. The Center was incorporated in the Philippines in 1977. Since that time ICLARM has received international recognition in the fields of tropical aquatic resource dynamics, small-scale aquaculture and coastal resource management strategies. In 1990, ICLARM was invited to prepare a strategic plan of research as a step towards joining the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The process of strategic planning was completed in early 1992 and led to the admission of ICLARM to the CGIAR in May 1992. This Medium Term Plan (MTP) presents ICLARM's agenda of research and research-related activities for the period 1994-98. The MTP planning was initiated in June 1992 and involved Center staff at headquarters and outreach as well as members of ICLARM's Board of Trustees and specially invited experts from NARS, advanced institutions and NGOs. Special consultations were held with ISNAR together with representatives of national aquatic research institutions (NABS) and NGOs particularly on ICLARM's National Research Support Program. In addition ICLARM has had a consultant to assess the needs for support to NARS in West Africa and also held consultations with a group of fisheries administrators from African countries.
ICLARM. Makati City, Philippines. 76 p.