End user guidelines: How to sign up and access the fish sampling microlearning curriculum on Learn.ink

cg.contribution.worldfishauthorKhor, L.en_US
cg.contribution.worldfishauthorDelamare-Deboutteville, J.en_US
cg.contribution.worldfishauthorChadag, V.en_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Ibadanen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Exeteren_US
cg.contributor.affiliationThe Norwegian Veterinary Instituteen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationMississippi State Universityen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Scienceen_US
cg.contributor.affiliationMahidol University, Faculty of science, Center of Excellence for Shrimp Molecular Biology and Biotechnologyen_US
cg.contributor.funderUnited States Agency for International Developmenten_US
cg.contributor.funderCGIAR Fund Councilen_US
cg.contributor.funderNorwegian Agency for Development Cooperationen_US
cg.contributor.funderBig Data in Agricultureen_US
cg.contributor.funderMississippi State University, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fishen_US
cg.creator.idJerome Delamare-Deboutteville: 0000-0003-4169-2456en_US
cg.creator.idVishnumurthy Mohan Chadag: 0000-0002-2574-284Xen_US
cg.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.creatorKhor, L.en_US
dc.creatorDelamare-Deboutteville, J.en_US
dc.creatorChadag, V.en_US
dc.description.abstractLearn.ink is an online platform for digitized learning and training. Sharing digital content on mobile devices is important for efficient knowledge sharing and training to work with target community groups on a range of topics, such as fish epidemiological surveys, disease surveillance, fish sampling for disease diagnostics and better management practices for biosecurity. Using the Learn.ink platform, we aim to provide a more engaging digital learning experience for end users in situations where remote virtual training is necessary. The lessons and quizzes for these introductory fish sampling microcourses were developed on Learn.ink. The lessons aim to provide end users with step-by-step guidance to learn the necessary skills to collect biological samples for different diagnostic techniques, including wet mount preparation, microbiome, blood, bacteriology, molecular biology, virology and histology. The quizzes aim to test the knowledge of end users after completing the lessons. End users include but are not limited to field enumerators, post-graduate students, extension workers, service providers and lead farmers. After completing the fish sampling course, end users can put into practice the fish sampling techniques they learned for (1) a disease outbreak investigation, (2) follow-up routine sampling visits among catfish and tilapia farmers, (3) a research project, or (4) part of a regional or national disease surveillance program. These guidelines provide the links for end users to access the fish sampling microlearning curriculum on Learn.ink. The microlearning curriculum consists of introduction and foundation microcourses that should be completed by end users before taking any of the microcourses on the six sampling protocols, that cover sampling for wet mount, microbiome, blood, bacteriology, molecular diagnostics and virology, as well as histology.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKhor L, Delamare-Deboutteville J and Mohan CV. 2021 End user guidelines: How to sign up and access the fish sampling microlearning curriculum on Learn. ink. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Guidelines.en_US
dc.publisherWorldFish (WF)en_US
dc.subjectdigital trainingen_US
dc.subjectfish sampling techniquesen_US
dc.subjectfish sampling for disease diagnoticsen_US
dc.subjectmicrolearning curriculumen_US
dc.subjectlearnink platformen_US
dc.titleEnd user guidelines: How to sign up and access the fish sampling microlearning curriculum on Learn.inken_US


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