University of Exeter_Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh_Quarterly Progress Report_August 2021 - October 2021
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This quarterly progress report describes the accomplishments and achievements of the project “Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh” during August to October 2021.
The project achievements during the quarter include (i) preparation of a questionnaire in both Bangla and English version to study the socioeconomic benefits of improved biosecurity in the shrimp hatcheries (ii) collection of consent and completed the survey with 17 shrimp hatcheries.
Seven training videos have been developed (draft version) on shrimp hatchery biosecurity in collaboration with project partners. Informal screenings questionnaire in both Bangla and English version developed to gather feedback on seven biosecurity awareness videos. Social media (Facebook profile) and contact details (mobile number, and email address) of 51 personnel of 13 hatcheries has been gathered. Hatchery biosecurity electronic materials collected to upload in the project webpage. The project webpage is under construction.
Muhammad Rahman, Syed Abdullah Faruk, Md Khaled Sarker. (19/11/2021). University of Exeter_Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh_Quarterly Progress Report_August 2021 - October 2021.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Muhammad Meezanur Rahman
Date available