The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy

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This CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Strategy provides guidance on how to undertake AqFS research for development through a gender lens. The strategy’s main objectives are: (i) to ensure that there is gender inclusiveness and responsiveness in technological, social, financial and institutional innovations; (ii) to provide avenues for wealth generation and improving livelihoods of people relying on small-scale fisheries (SSFs) and sustainable aquaculture; (iii) to pave the way for inclusive governance of land and water commons; and (iv) to provide guidance on how to tackle underlying social norms and structural barriers through gender-transformative approaches (GTAs).


Adam R. I. Kruijssen, F. Amani, A. Pyburn, R. Farnworth, C. R. Mudege, N. Mapedza, E. Choudhury, A. Haque, S. M. F. Shenoy, N. Eam, D. Sok, S. Oo, T. Njogu, L. Ragasa, C. Arulingam, I. Joshi, D. Allison, E. Rossignoli, C. and Buisson, MC. 2023. CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Strategy.


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WorldFish (WF)


Contributes to SDGs

SDG 1 - No povertySDG 2 - Zero hungerSDG 5 - Gender equalitySDG 14 - Life below water