Assessment of and Recommendations for Partnership strategies with potential Digital service in Bangladesh under the project “Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria”

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The BMGF Aquaculture project’s Bangladesh component based in the north-west of the country targets to reach out to two million households using digital platform and mass media as one of the communication channel. Through this study, the project has identified three possible cohorts where there can be partnership with existing stakeholders. One can be with other development projects working in the same area with similar mandate of dietary diversity, women empowerment and income of smallholder families. In addition to field-level activation, to have a better chance at reaching the large number of target audience, digital platform is the way forward. And the telecom companies can also be possible partners to reach a wider community with their internet and other digital services. Both Grameenphone and Robi showed their willingness to share their unused bandwidth depending on the location. Besides the telecom partners, this study also looked into the possibility of having internet connectivity in a certain area through wifi-connection. The idea is to provide coverage of faster internet at a cheaper rate to a certain location which is frequented by project beneficiaries.


Khondker Rabbani. (2020). Assessment of and Recommendations for Partnership strategies with potential Digital service in Bangladesh under the project “Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria”. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Technical Report


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