Transforming gender relations: Key to positive development outcomes in aquatic agricultural systems
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Open access
The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) is committed to improving the food security and wellbeing of poor people who depend on freshwater and coastal ecosystems for their livelihoods. AAS is particularly concerned with enhancing the equity of the social, economic and political structures that influence the livelihoods of poor households dependent on aquatic agricultural systems. This brief makes the case that a more political and transformative approach to integrating gender in agricultural research and programming is needed in order to respond to the challenges of poverty and food insecurity. describes AAS’ current thinking on the core components of a gender transformative approach (GTA). It does so both to spark debate and dialogue that advance thinking on the approach, as well as to enable others to operationalize and test the approach in different contexts, thereby contributing to learning about the conditions under which GTA does and does not foster qualitatively better and more lasting development outcomes.
CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Penang, Malaysia. Brief AAS-2013-12