WorldFish in Egypt
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Egypt is the leading aquaculture producer in Africa. The country’s aquaculture sector generates 1.6 million tons of fish per year and is valued at USD 3.5 billion. Aquaculture accounts for 80 percent of fish production, and is almost entirely composed of private farms.
The aquaculture sector in Egypt employs approximately 300,000 people, whereas the fisheries sector employs 135,000 people. Most of the fish produced is consumed domestically, providing the equivalent of one fish per person per week for the country’s 105 million people. The sector has significant potential to address some of Egypt’s most critical development challenges.
WorldFish. 2024. WorldFish in Egypt. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Factsheet: 2024-43.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Ahmed Mohamed Nasr-Allah