Water management in small-scale aquaculture: Results from questionnaire survey of fish farmers

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One of the cornerstones of aquaculture development is water availability. As part of their activities in the Fish 4 Livelihood project, IWMI is monitoring water quality in small-scale aquaculture ponds in Southern Shan State. In parallel, in order to better understand what are the practices in terms of water management (from sourcing to discharge of wastewater) in other project areas, interviews conducted with fish farmers in Southern Shan in Year 2 was refined and applied to a broader geographic area to cover the Dry Zone regions where this project operates. The following report presents the methodology adopted, results and key messages that should be taken in consideration in further steps in the project.


Sanjiv De Silva. (30/9/2022). Water management in small-scale aquaculture: Results from questionnaire survey of fish farmers. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).