Bibliographic impact of ICLARM
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A study was made of the availability and impact of the publications and other contributions to the literature of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), based in the Philippines. The availability of ICLARM items in several commercial databases was ascertained and manual citation counts were made from the center's library material and staff personal reprint collections. Over 300 citations of ICLARM items annually were found for recent years, with a total of 2,131 citations from 1979 to February 1988. Two-thirds of the citations were from developing-country based authors. Fifty-three per cent of all the center's technical contributions had been cited during the period covered, distributed over 52 countries. Some items had very high counts, e.g., 285 citations of a conference proceedings volume; 152 citations of a journal article.
ICLARM Tech. Rep. (26): 19 p.