Nutrition education flipchart for women in marine and coastal artisanal fishing communities

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A key initiative within the project is the formation of Women Income and Nutrition Group (WING) engaging women members of the targeted artisanal fishing households. WING members undergo capacity building initiatives through training and Business Literacy School (BLS) to involve in nutrition-sensitive alternative income generating activities. Specifically designed for WING members, the BLS includes dedicated nutrition education sessions facilitated by a flipchart aligned with the government's National Nutrition Services (NNS). The flipchart comprises 10 sessions focusing on critical aspects of nutrition such as dietary diversity, optimal nutrition practices during the 1,000 days window of opportunity including maternal and child nutrition, promotion of hygiene, sanitation, and safe drinking water, family planning, and prevention of early marriage. Project recruited and trained local Community Volunteer (CV) utilize the flipchart to facilitate nutrition education sessions, expecting an improvement in the knowledge and practices related to optimal nutrition among fishing households. Through targeted education and engagement, the ECOFISH II project seeks to contribute to improved nutritional outcomes within the unique context of coastal artisanal fishing communities, contributing to the overall well-being and resilience of these communities.


Samiul Islam, Israt Zahura, Rezwana Sharmin, Md Nahiduzzaman. (31/1/2024). Nutrition education flipchart for women in marine and coastal artisanal fishing communities. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).


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