Training manual on improved shrimp culture in Gher: A course manual for shrimp farmers
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Open access
Due to inadequate technical knowledge and training in advanced methods of gradually growing shrimp culture, framers are not getting expected yield. From the very beginning of the CSISA-BD project, WoldFish Center has taken initiative to introduce advanced methods of shrimp culture in south-west of Bangladesh. To do this, the shortage of skilled trainers and training materials, has, particularly, been realized. Presently, a number of manuals on shrimp culture from Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, WorldFish Center and different GOs and NGOs are available which are not very user-friendly at farmers’ level. The training manual on ’Improved Shrimp Culture in Gher’ has been developed by the World Fish Center based on practical experiences from the field and with the help of other published manuals and taking into account various environmental and socioeconomic challenges the fish farmers may have to cope with.
Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-Bangladesh), WorldFish Center