New product and market development for dry fish business
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Ms. Shah Amanath Traders (SAT) is a renowned privately owned company which produces safe dry fish and does marketing the products. It had been implementing a project called “Dry fish business development through marketing and branding” in Cox’s Bazar since 1 March 2021-February 2022. In the second phase of the contract SAT implemented ’New product and market development for a dry fish business’’ project since April 1, 2022 and which ended August 31, 2023. SAT become a market leader of safe and healthy dry fish producer in dry fish industry. The activities are set to achieve the goal of Feed the Future Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition Activity to strengthen aquaculture market system with different value chain actors .
Mohammad Bhuyain. (31/8/2023). New product and market development for dry fish business.
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