Suchana: Ending the cycle of undernutrition in Bangladesh. Demo Pond
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Demo ponds act as resource centres to showcase different steps of improved fish farming, and the subsequent results arising from the usage of improved technologies and practices related to aquaculture and horticulture. These ponds support both beneficiary and non-beneficiary groups in the community. Demo pond beneficiaries receive basic training with their neighbouring beneficiaries, and advanced training on various forms of improved technologies. Demo ponds are often used as learning centres to organise physical training, coaching, and linkage formation for improved technologies. Neighbouring households visit demo ponds to observe changes brought about by updated technologies, and adopt them if they are motivated. Demo pond owners visit their neighbours, who own ponds themselves, to enhance improved aquaculture practices. The owners of demo ponds are also connected to private and public sector extension support agents. This allows them to act as a point of contact for quality inputs and information for their community. Demo pond owners receive extended support in the form of training, input, technical follow-ups, linkages formation with local service providers and printed guidelines to enhance their fish and vegetable production and marketing systems. Up to May 2021, a total 1,082 Demonstration ponds have also been established in entire Suchana program areas in 4 in different phases.
Anika Karim, MD. Abdul Baten, Ashoke Sarker, Hedyiet Ullah. (31/7/2021). Suchana: Ending the cycle of undernutrition in Bangladesh. Demo Pond. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).
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MD. Abdul Baten
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WorldFish (WF)