Shrimp farmers in India: empowering small-scale farmers through a cluster-based approach
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The great bulk of shrimp farming in India, as in most of Asia, as well as that of aquaculture in general in the region, is based on small scale farming activities, and in this regard, is no exception to other primary sector activities. The work on the development of better management practices (BMPs) on the shrimp culture sector commenced with the recognition of the need to place the sector on a firmer footing, while combating the problems of frequent disease occurrences, and to ensure its long term sustainability. The process commenced with the organization of small scale farmers into groups - clusters and/or aquaclubs - grouping farmers in a given area, drawing on common resources such as a common water supply channel, and inducing the farmers to act collectively rather than individually to the betterment and benefits of all. Such clusters and/or aquaclubs were later transformed into Societies with a legal standing, with the establishment of the National Center for Sustainable Aquaculture in 2007, with a purview to monitor society functioning and dissemination of technical know-how to other areas. The outcomes include improved shrimp yields, less impact on the environment, improved product quality, and better relations among players in the market chain.
p. 41-66. In: De Silva, S.S. ; Davy, F.B. (eds.) Success stories in Asian aquaculture. Dordrecht, Springer.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Michael Phillips