Benchmarking tilapia aquaculture systems in Egypt: characteristics, sustainability outcomes and entry points for sustainable aquatic food systems
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The lack of robust and coherent data on Aquaculture Systems performance is a fundamental barrier to realizing AqFS transformation. In Egypt, fish production and aquatic food systems play a major role for the food security and nutrition of a large fraction of the population, as well as of the broader economy
(FAO, 2020). Despite its success, the Egyptian tilapia sector faces multiple sustainability challenges at local and international level. General lack of robust information about the characteristics, performance and trade-offs of tilapia farming systems in the country that can inform policy decisions and investors on the requirements to achieve sustainable intensification, and thus how to enhance sustainability.
Cristiano Rossignoli. (2/12/2022). Benchmarking tilapia aquaculture systems in Egypt: characteristics, sustainability outcomes and entry points for sustainable aquatic food systems. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Cristiano Rossignoli
Date available
WorldFish (WF)