Artemia4Bangladesh (Bengali version)

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In Bangladesh, 95 percent of crude salt is produced in Cox’s Bazar by 50,000 artisanal salt farmers across about 27,000 ha of land. With roughly half a million people directly or indirectly involved in salt production, it is an important industry to the region. Yet the industry faces several major challenges, such as increased operating land and labor costs, unemployment during the rainy season and low productivity in aquaculture. These are the biggest obstacles to improving the livelihoods of salt farmers in Bangladesh. The overall objective of the Artemia4Bangladesh project is to enhance food and nutrition security in Bangladesh through climate-smart innovative technologies. Two further specific objectives are to (1) introduce an integrated salt and Artemia production system and (2) increase marine aquaculture production and productivity in the salt farms.


Muhammad Rahman, Al Shariar, Kazi Golam Tashfiq, Shariful Alam, Mohammad Shohorab Hossain. (28/2/2021). Artemia4Bangladesh (Bengali version). Dhaka, Bangladesh: WorldFish. Factsheet.


Author(s) ORCID(s)

Muhammad Meezanur Rahman