FARD, Odisha-WorldFish project Annual report for Year 2 of Phase I, Apr 2018 - Mar 2019

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The Year 2 progress report summarizes all the activities undertaken from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 in 30 districts across Odisha, methodology and approaches followed and the results accomplished under Phase I (April 2017-March 2019) of the Odisha-WorldFish project. The Revised Action Plan for 2018-19 (Year 2 of Phase 1) was approved by the Government on 26.09.2018 (vide L. No. 12182/FARD). The project has five major components during 2018-19: 1. Carp Intensification with Mola polyculture in Gram Panchayat (GP) tanks managed by Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs). 2. Reservoir fish production and productivity enhancement through stocking of Indian Major Carp (IMC) fingerlings raised in captive pen nurseries and through circular cages. 3. GIFT (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia) Tilapia farming and hatchery establishment. 4. GIS (Geographical Information System) and Spatial planning for management of inland fisheries resources. 5. Establishment of a Project Management Unit (PMU) with installation of GIS based Management Information System (MIS). To implement these activities during 2018-19, the government approved a total budget of Rs. 23.244 Cr under State Plan and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) schemes (Table1). Details of physical and financial targets and achievements with respect to key project interventions are provided in Table 2. As on 31st March 2019, in total, Rs. 517.26 lakhs from the approved budget of Rs. 2,324.40 Lakhs (22%) under various schemes namely, State Plan Scheme, RKVY scheme and a grant from WCD & Mission Shakti was utilized.


Vishnumurthy Mohan Chadag, Arun Panemangalore. (28/4/2019). FARD, Odisha-WorldFish project Annual report for Year 2 of Phase I, Apr 2018 - Mar 2019.


Author(s) ORCID(s)

Vishnumurthy Mohan Chadag  
Arun Padiyar Panemangalore