USAID IPP Funded Project - Scaling nutrition-sensitive fisheries technologies and integrated approaches through partnership in Odisha. Semi-annual report Oct 2018-March 2019

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The goal of the project is to improve food and nutrition security in the Indian state of Odisha through increasing availability, accessibility and consumption of fish and fish products. This project will lead to the introduction of nutrition-sensitive production technologies for nutrient-rich fish and vegetables in selected districts of Odisha as well as increased production of high quality fresh small fish and dried fish for making fish-based products. The project was approved in Oct 2017 and the launch workshop was completed in Nov 2017. The project is being implemented in close partnership with the F&ARD Department of Government of Odisha and several other public and private partner institutions in Odisha. This semi-annual report for the period Oct 2018-March 2019 builds on the previous annual report submitted for the period Oct 2017-Sept 2018. In a period of 18 months the project has introduced Carp mola polyculture in 264 backyard ponds, 5 community ponds and 2 residential school ponds. 85 beneficiaries have also been supplied with Orange sweet Potato (OSP) vines and other vegetable saplings to grow in their kitchen garden. The project has successfully included small fish in the regular meals of once in a week in 2300 children from Child care Institution and Special school. In total, 139 women and 249 men have been sensitized and trained on carp mola polyculture and benefits of small fish. On an average 825 women and 414 children have been benefitted through introduction of carp mola polyculture in their homestead ponds and community ponds. The project has also rendered training support to 888 ICDS supervisors and Anganwadi workers on various aspects of nutrition including small fish benefits.


USAID IPP Funded Project - Scaling nutrition-sensitive fisheries technologies and integrated approaches through partnership in Odisha. Semi-annual report Oct 2018-March 2019.


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Author(s) ORCID(s)

Vishnumurthy Mohan Chadag