USAID|Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II (ECOFISH II) Quarterly Report Year-5 Q2 April-June 2024

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The 2nd Quarterly Progress Report of Year 5 highlights ECOFISH II’s April–June 2024 achievements in the Zone of Resilience (ZOR), Meghna River Ecosystem (MRE), and Nijhum Dwip Marine Protected Area (MPA). Efforts in ecosystem health improvement, biodiversity conservation, and coastal fisheries monitoring showed satisfactory progress. Teams tracked water quality and removed 2,412 kg of plastic waste, supported by 140 trained Blue Guards. The project published a study on MPA prioritization in Regional Marine Studies and collaborated with SUST and DoF to designate a new 734.17 km² MPA in the Naf River estuary, advancing Bangladesh’s marine conservation goals. Citizen Scientists gathered CPUE data, revealing the highest yields in Cox’s Bazar. ECOFISH II expanded co-management efforts with 22 Fisheries Conservation Groups and trained leaders in sustainable fishing practices, safety, and biodiversity conservation. The team supported livelihood resilience by forming 169 WINGs, providing 1,942 women with cash transfers, training in income generation, and animal vaccinations. Activities promoting nutritional security included distributing vegetable seeds and nutritional booklets to 4,733 beneficiaries, along with printed materials for National Nutrition Week.


Hossain Mokarrom, Md Nahiduzzaman, Sharif Uddin, A. B. M. Haque. (31/7/2024). USAID|Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II (ECOFISH II) Quarterly Report Year-5 Q2 April-June 2024.


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SDG 1 - No povertySDG 14 - Life below water