Aquaculture for small farmers: a technology development and dissemination strategy
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The International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has been assisting the Bangladesh Agricultural Re-search Council (BARC) and the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), in develop ing low-input technologies, for maximising production from available water resources, through optimum utilisation of on-farm resources. The target groups for these studies are the resource-poor, small-holder farmers who constitute the bulk of the population in Bangladesh. The emphasis in the project activities is on on-farm, farmer-participatory research for developing sustainable aquaculture practices that take into consideration farmers' resource base and the agro- ecosystem. The project actively involves exten sion agencies (mostly NGOs) in the.on-farm research stage and subsequently in training and technology dissemination. Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) is one of the NGOs actively involved in the project activities.
p. 120-127. Small farmer vulnerability. ICLARM Contribution No. 845.