WorldFish 2020 Annual Report
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In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted lives, economies and food systems everywhere. In response to the pandemic, WorldFish and its many partners across the public and private sectors worked to generate scientific evidence, insights and innovations in support of national efforts to maintain safe supply chains of fish and aquatic foods in low- and middle-income countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Our 45th anniversary allowed us to take stock of our past achievements and chart a bold institutional course of action in response to the global call to action to transform food systems toward healthy and sustainable diets. Our strategy is critical to transforming food, land and water systems through increased scientific collaboration and innovation in One CGIAR. Our scientific evidence continues to shape an ever-increasing global conversation about the untapped potential of aquatic foods to nourish people and the planet while highlighting rising demand for research and innovation in aquatic food systems.
These achievements were made possible by the generosity of our funders and the enduring support of our partners and our highly dedicated staff. Our achievements in 2020 are highlighted in this annual report.
WorldFish. 2021. WorldFish 2020 Annual Report. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Annual Report: 2021-06.
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WorldFish (WF)