Economic valuation and policy priorities for sustainable management of coral reefs

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This publication is an outcome of the “International Consultative Workshop for Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs” held at the WorldFish Center's Headquarters in Penang, Malaysia, 8-10 December 2001.The overall goal of the workshop was to identify future directions for economic and policy research relevant to the sustainable management of coral reefs. The workshop was the final activity of the Valuation and Policy Analysis for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs project. It was sponsored by the Center's donors and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), with additional support from the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN). The workshop also received support for selected participants from Southeast Asia from the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) and the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). A total of 48 participants from 15 countries located in Southeast and East Asia, the Caribbean, East Africa and the South Pacific Regional Seas contributed to the workshop.


WorldFIsh Center Conf. Proc. (70): 222 p.


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