University of Exeter_ Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh. Quarterly progress report November 2020 - January 2021
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Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh project is
funded by Biotechnology and biological sciences research council, UK. University of Exeter, UK,
WorldFish and Association of Realization for basic needs (ARBAN) are implementing partners of
this project. The objective of the report is to describe quarterly progress of the project activities
during November- January, 2020-2021.
The achievements during the quarter include (i) preparation of self-assessment biosecurity
app content, (ii) develop monitoring sheets for 1) water quality parameters 2) farm visitor log
sample 3) feeding and, 4) animal health, (iii) develop communication questionnaire based on
information ecosystem assessment and, (iv) analysis of baseline survey data.
Muhammad Rahman. (17/2/2021). University of Exeter_ Improving hatchery biosecurity for a sustainable shrimp industry in Bangladesh. Quarterly progress report November 2020 - January 2021.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Muhammad Meezanur Rahman
Date available