NORAD_Midterm Evaluation Report of the Aquaculture TEVET project

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The purpose of the midterm evaluation was to assess the project performance and progress made by the Aquaculture Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training for Improved Private Sector and Smallholder Skills (AQ TEVET) project towards achieving its intended outcomes. The evaluation provided an independent evaluation of progress achieved at mid-term with a specific focus on i) what has worked well, what did not work well and why? ii) what lessons can be drawn and how they will shape the current and future aquaculture projects. The evaluation focused on the period between June 2018 and September 2020. AQ TEVET is a 3.5-year project (June 2018 to December 2021) funded by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The WorldFish leads the project, and it is implemented in Lusaka, Northern and Luapula Provinces of Zambia in partnership with Musika, BluePlanet and Natural Resources Development College (NRDC).


Mulenga Mukanu, Sharper Sikota, Liseteli Ndiyoi. (8/12/2020). NORAD_Midterm Evaluation Report of the Aquaculture TEVET project.


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