Conservation efforts mitigate effects of human disturbance on ghost crab (Ocypode macrocera) abundance and behavior on a sandy beach in Kuakata, Bangladesh
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Protected areas play a crucial role in promoting and conserving species by providing a sanctuary for wildlife and natural habitats. In coastal regions, safeguarding measures become even more significant due to the unique challenges posed by anthropogenic activities. This study focuses on the impact of human activities on beachdwelling biota, specifically the ghost crab (Ocypode macrocera), and highlights the importance of establishing protected areas to safeguard biodiversity and counteract negative impacts on coastal ecosystems. The study was conducted in Kuakata, the coastal region in Bangladesh, known for its ghost crab population. By comparing protected with non-protected beaches, the study examines the effects of protection status on ghost crab abundance and burrow characteristics. Field observations and data collection reveal that protected beaches harbor a greater abundance of ghost crabs compared to non-protected beaches. However, while protection status significantly improves crab abundance, it does not necessarily increase the mean burrow opening size. Interestingly, protected areas show a higher number of small burrow sizes, indicating that protected beaches not only act as feeding grounds but also serve as breeding and nursery grounds for ghost crabs. These findings illustrate the multifaceted role protected areas play in supporting the entire life cycle of ghost crabs, and underscore the importance of preserving these habitats for the species’ long-term survival. It highlights the importance of effective management and conservation measures to preserve the health and integrity of coastal ecosystems. By establishing and managing protected areas appropriately, we can ensure the continued existence and viability of these invaluable habitats. Specific human activities that harm coastal biodiversity can be identified to develop targeted conservation strategies. Through this study, such strategies can be developed which may include measures like restricting beach access during breeding season or implementing sustainable tourism practices to lessen the impact.
Md. Bokthier Rahman, Sagorika Smriti, Mohammad Rahman, Md. Hadayet Ullah. (2/7/2024). Conservation efforts mitigate effects of human disturbance on ghost crab (Ocypode macrocera) abundance and behavior on a sandy beach in Kuakata, Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 77.
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Mohammad Jalilur Rahman
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ISI indexed
Elsevier (12 months)