USAID | Small-Scale Aquaculture Investments for Livelihoods in Myanmar SAIL). Annual Progress Report. October 2020 to September 2021

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This report contains major accomplishments, targets achieved, and activities performed in FY 2021 (Oct 20 - Sep 21) of the Fish for Livelihoods project. It talks about in detail what and how the project was implemented in the midst of COVID, Coup, and Climate change. There are details about the three major components; production, market system, and nutrition, of the project along with the numbers achieved for a range of indicators.


Syed Ali, Michael Akester, Khaing Htoo, Quennie Rizaldo, Nang Tin Win, Ei Phyo, Naw Christine Pan Wai. (6/1/2022). USAID | Small-Scale Aquaculture Investments for Livelihoods in Myanmar SAIL). Annual Progress Report. October 2020 to September 2021. Yangon, Myanmar: WorldFish (WF).