An overview of local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management in selected African countries

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Aquaculture plays a crucial role in enhancing food security in Africa and holds significant potential for becoming more effective and sustainable. However, the region’s fed aquaculture sector faces challenges in accessing or developing the capacity to produce high-quality aquafeeds. According to the FAO Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA), key recommendations on aquafeed include diversifying ingredient sources, developing feed formulations and processing capacities, and improving on-farm feed and feeding management practices for greater efficiency. To better understand the current situation in Africa, the FAO, in collaboration with WorldFish, organized the “Expert Workshop on Local Alternative Ingredients, Aquafeed Supply, and Feeding Management” in Egypt in 2023. This workshop brought together experts from nine African countries - Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia - to discuss local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply, and feeding management in the region. The workshop also included participation from governmental agencies, universities, development organizations, private industry, and farmers from the region.


Fernanda Garcia Sampaio, Mohammad Hasan, Abdel-Fattah El-Sayed, Ahmed Nasr-Allah, Mohamed Fathi. (25/10/2024). An overview of local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management in selected African countries. United States of America.


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