Influence of built structures on local livelihoods: case studies of road development, irrigation and fishing lots
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This report documents the results from an assessment of the influence of built structures on the livelihoods of Tonle Sap communities, as part of the livelihoods component of the “Study of the Influence of Built Structures on the Fisheries of the Tonle Sap”. The livelihoods component aims to identify the links between built structures and socioeconomic change with a specific emphasis on fisheries, and aims to ensure that the analysis and recommendations regarding the influence of built structures incorporate the knowledge, perspectives and insights of people living in the immediate surroundings of the built structures. This study examines cases involving three different types of built structures: road development in Pursat province, irrigation development in Kampong Thom province, and fishing structures along with associated management systems, in Battambang province.
Asian Development Bank. 50 p.