CIP_Final Narrative Kulima - Worldfish_August 2019 to October 2019
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KULIMA is a 6-year project whose goal is to promote sustainable agricultural growth to increase incomes, employment, and food security in Malawi in the context of a changing climate. Within the KULIMA Action, the CGIAR Centers, and specifically WorldFish Center made available relevant innovations and technologies to people through provision of guidance on the suitability of aquaculture technologies and inputs in different agro-ecological zones of Malawi, and the application of relevant innovations and technologies with the intent to address in a holistic manner the issues affecting agricultural production systems in Malawi. KULIMA had two result areas namely (1) Improved organization and delivery of national research and extension services and (2) Supply system of appropriate inputs and related technologies set up and meeting the needs to ensure increased, diversified, and sustainable production.
Under result area 1, WorldFish Center promoted Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture System through training of Master Trainers and farmers themselves in fish farming technologies, supplying inputs, and establishment of three study experiments aimed at testing growth by stocking males versus mixed sex (male and females), testing impact of fish feeds, and integrating fish with vegetables, fruits (bananas) and other leguminous crops. The system was found to be cost-effective supply of protein and micro-nutrients. Practicing farmers are also more resilient, and the actual biomass from the IAA system is higher.
Under result area 2, WorldFish Center in partnership with The Department of Fisheries and LUANAR developed the Sustainable Seed Supply System Manual, which is an integrated concept on a sustainable system for production and distribution of quality seed material to producers. This model ensures adequate, timely production and provision of fingerlings to small and medium sized farmers.
CIP_Final Narrative Kulima - Worldfish_August 2019 to October 2019.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Joseph Nagoli