Growth, yield and profitability of genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) and non-GIFT strains in Bangladesh

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On-farm performance of the genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) strain in monoculture and polyculture ponds in Bangladesh was assessed using a stratified random sample of 213 GIFT and 256 non-GIFT farmers. The GIFT strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was mostly farmed by small-scale farmers operating less than one ha of ponds and with lower assets than their non-GIFT counterparts. The GIFT strain had a faster growth rate (27% and 36% faster than that of non-GIFT tilapia in monoculture and polyculture, respectively). Although GIFT and non-GIFT farmers applied different stocking strategies with GIFT farmers growing much smaller fingerlings compared to non-GIFT farmers (7.3 g for GIFT and 17.2 g for non-GIFT, and 9.1 g for GIFT and 20.3 g for non-GIFT in monoculture and polyculture, respectively,yields were statistically different between both strains in monoculture and polyculture (8.1 tons/ha per cycle for GIFT and 6.2 tons/ha per cycle for non-GIFT in monoculture, and 9.3 tons/ha per cycle for GIFT and 7.8 tons/ha per cycle for non-GIFT in polyculture). In polyculture systems, overall polyculture yield was statistically different at the 10% level (12.7 and 10.2 tons/ha for GIFT and non-GIFT ponds). In terms of profitability performance, GIFT tilapia is more profitable and cost-effective than non-GIFT. Findings from this study highlight the importance of adopting culture of high-performance strains to close yield gaps and realize the potential benefits of the GIFT strain.


Tran, N. Shikuku, K. M. Rossignoli, C. M. Barman, B. K. Cheong, K. C. Ali, M. S. Benzie, J. A. H. (2021). Growth, yield and profitability of genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) and non-GIFT strains in Bangladesh. Aquaculture, 536: 736486.

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Elsevier (12 months)

