WorldFish Center strategy update 2005
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This Medium Term Plan (MTP) describes the World Fish Center's programs and partnerships and explains how they will help to reduce poverty, increase food and nutritional security, and improve the environment. This plan highlights the significant achievements of the Center in a number of key areas.These achievements include increases of US$220-400/yr in net returns per farmer in Bangladesh and Vietnam from research on community based fish culture in flooded fields (an approach that has been so successful that it has been copied by numerous neighboring groups); an increase in average fish yields from 300 kg to over 600 kg for farmers in Bangladesh using semi-enclosed water bodies; and an increase in harvest weight by 10% in a single year using the Center's Genetically Improved Farm Tilapia (GIFT) stock. Scientific and technical achievements during the past year are also highlighted. The Center continues to invest in the development of knowledge systems which provide critical information on policy options, lessons learned, and key facts on the biology, status, threats and management of resource systems and fish stocks. This MTP also highlights the Center's ongoing work in Africa.
WorldFish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 12 p.