USAID_Enhanced coastal fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISH-bd)_Annual report October 2014–September 2015
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ECOFISHBD contributes to USAID Bangladesh Country Development Cooperation Strategy Objective #4 “Responsiveness to Climate Change Improved,” which aims to increase the nation’s responsiveness, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of climate change through three inter-related intermediate results. ECOFISHBD aligns with two of these: (1) improved management of natural resources focused on biodiversity conservation leading to indirect adaptation benefits, and (2) enhanced adaptation capacity and resilience to shocks (see Annex 1: Project Results Framework).
This annual report summarizes progress and results in the implementation of activities during the first full year of project implementation (October 2014 – September 2015). Major accomplishments during this time are summarized below under the headings: Start-up phase; Implementation roll-out; Cross-cutting; Project management system; and Communication and outreach.
USAID_Enhanced coastal fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISH-bd)_Annual report October 2014–September 2015