GIZ | Taking nutrition-sensitive carp-SIS polyculture technology to scale. Annual progress report: January 2022 to December 2022

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The project made excellent progress in 2022 in components 1 and 2. For Component 1 (Assess factors influencing the adoption of carp-SIS polyculture technology under by previous projects); a Bangladeshi PhD Student (Nusrat Hossain), registered at Leibnitz University Hannover (LUH) completed a detailed field survey of 282 households in March-May, 2022. These included 147 project intervention households and 135 control households, previously survyed in 2014 under the European Union (EU) funded the Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project (ANEP), which promoted nutrition sensitive integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA), including carp-SIS polyculture. Analysis of data from the 2022 and 2014 panel datasets is ongoing, and will allow identification of factors influencing the adoption/disadoption of carp-SIS polyculture.


Ben Belton, Sourabh Dubey. (31/12/2021). GIZ | Taking nutrition-sensitive carp-SIS polyculture technology to scale. Annual progress report: January 2022 to December 2022.


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