Democratic Republic of the Congo planning meeting, 5-6 Dec 2007. Workshop report

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The WorldFish Center and FAO are implementing a regional programme entitled "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa; investing in sustainable solutions", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In DR Congo, the main project site is Kasenga area situated in Katanga Province. The Department of Fisheries and National AIDS Council are the main stakeholders who will utilize the results of the research to influence policy. Research institutions and NGOs will implement the research and pilot interventions in the Katanga Province as agreed during the workshop. The Workshop objectives are 1) To agree on the research focus for the DR Congo component within the overall project framework 2) To develop a detailed annual work plan for 2008, and an overall work plan to the end of the project in March 2010 3) As part of these work plans, to agree on milestones, deliverables and identify indicators 4) To identify linkages with related projects and agree how these linkages will be managed.


The WorldFish Center Project Report 1961. Penang, Malaysia. 14 p.


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