Project Completion Report On “Access to finance (A2F) services for dry fish and aquaculture business in Cox’s Bazar”
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Production of organic dry fish with high nutritional value needs to be maximized to meet the demand and support the community. However, lack of proper production and cultural method along with financial support, most of the farmers cannot expand their businesses. On April 1, 2021, Feed the Future Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition (BAA) in partnership with Mukti Cox’s Bazar, started helping dry fish entrepreneurs’ access to loans and build their capacity by providing training . Following the inception and successful completion of first phase of the project, Mukti Cox’s Bazar commenced to work as per project plan to implement the target of second phase of the project, which started on May 1, 2022, entitled as Access to finance (A2F) services for dry fish and aquaculture business in Cox’s Bazar.
Mohammad Bhuyain, Manjurul Karim. (30/9/2022). Project Completion Report On “Access to finance (A2F) services for dry fish and aquaculture business in Cox’s Bazar”.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Manjurul Karim
Date available