FAO_National Strategy on Aquatic Animal Health (NSAAH) Management within the Progressive Management Pathway to improve aquaculture biosecurity (PMP/AB). Second Progress Report - November 2021
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In 2021, the FAO through its office in Egypt awarded the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture financial support to develop a national health plan under the auspices of FAO overarching program entitled “National Strategy on Aquatic Animal Health (NSAAH) Management within the Progressive Management Pathway to improve aquaculture biosecurity (PMP/AB). FAO then subcontracted the WorldFish - Egypt to perform certain tasks of this project. This report highlights the activities conducted by WorldFish in supporting the development of the strategy up to November 2021. During this period the study team developed the draft of the National Aquatic Animal Health Strategy for Egypt (NSAAHEg) following FAO guidelines.
Ahmed Nasr-Allah. (30/11/2021). FAO_National Strategy on Aquatic Animal Health (NSAAH) Management within the Progressive Management Pathway to improve aquaculture biosecurity (PMP/AB). Second Progress Report - November 2021.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Ahmed Mohamed Nasr-Allah https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6299-8556
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