National Fisheries' Policy 1998 Revision: Methodological and Data Analysis Framework for WorldFish Contribution

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WorldFish jointly with Department of Fisheries has hosted two divisional consultation workshops - one in Rangpur on 27th October 2021 at BRAC Learning Center (BLC), and the other in Rajshahi on 10th November 2021 at Ashrai Center for contributing to the National Fisheries Policy 1998 revision. The key aim is to strengthen the fisheries and aquaculture sector as well as to ensure food, nutritional and livelihood security. A wide range of stakeholders and value chain actors, for instance, government, non-government, public-private sectors, financial institutions, academics, researchers, farmers, relevant cross-cutting sectors like gender and youth, joined the event. The discussion was around four thematic areas i.e., Aquatic food systems, Social and Economic inclusion, Nutrition and Health, Climate resilience and Environmental sustainability. Sustainable aquaculture, resilient small scale fisheries along with education research and development issues were discussed under the aquatic food systems theme for enabling sustainable aquatic food production and ensuring resilient aquatic food systems. Social and Economic inclusion covered gender equality, youth, digital transformation, market system approach, private sector engagement, extension, dissemination and capacity building particularly for sustainable livelihoods, decent work and well-being with an inclusive people centered economy. Participants also talked over fish for nutrition, diversified, safe and healthy aquatic foods for consumption, prioritizing nutrition and health for vulnerable and marginalized people together with nutritional governance for advancement on nutrition and health relevant knowledge as well as raising public awareness and understanding of the nutrition and health benefits of aquatic foods. Besides, climate adaptation, environmental health, biodiversity conservation and climate resilient concerns gained focus during the dialogue of ideas. All these discussion points had been flagged for employment generation, bringing equity and overall socio-economic development worthwhile to achieve national and global targets such as five year plan, vision 2041 and SDG 2030.


Peerzadi Hossain, Benoy Barman. (15/12/2021). National Fisheries' Policy 1998 Revision: Methodological and Data Analysis Framework for WorldFish Contribution. Bayan Lepas, Malaysia: WorldFish (WF).


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