LIFT_Promoting sustainable growth of aquaculture in Myanmar to improve food security and income for communities in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone (MYCulture-MYFC) _October 2015 - December 2019

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The MYCulture (MYFC) project has been implemented in collaboration with DoF, NAG, GRET, PACT-Myanmar, HKI and Pan Taing Shin with funding from the Livelihood and Food Security Fund (LIFT) since 21st September 2015. The project aimed to promote the sustainable growth of aquaculture in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Delta) and suitable agro-ecological areas in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ). The project’s objective was to increase incomes of small-scale producers and improve the food and nutrition security of households through engaging them in aquaculture in the Delta and CDZ. The project focused on these two regions as they represent two areas with considerable potential to innovate and scale-out various small-scale fish production systems in ponds, chan myaung and WISH pond systems. The project is being implemented in Bogale, Mawlamyinegyun, Pyapon, Kyaik Lat and Daedaye townships with GRET and NAG as implementing partners. PACT is the implementing partner for MYCulture in four townships - Meiktila Township (Mandalay Region), Yinmarbin and Pale Townships (Sagaing Region and Salin Township (Magway Region). In addition to these two areas, HKI (Helen Keller International), WorldFish’s new partner in 2018, is implementing in four townships- Zalon, Pantanaw, Pyapon and Maubin townships, and DoF is also implementing MYCulture extension areas in six townships, Ottayathiri and Poppathiri in Nay Pyi Taw, Waw (Bago Region), Thaton and Paung (Mon State), Hpa-An (Kayin State) from four regions. In 2019, a CSO named Pan Taing Shin has joined in the project as one of the partners and extended the project in Mawlamyinegyun Township. This final report of MYCulture project covers activities delivered, key achievements and lessons learned during the entire project period from September 2015 to December 2019.


LIFT_Promoting sustainable growth of aquaculture in Myanmar to improve food security and income for communities in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone (MYCulture-MYFC) _October 2015 - Decemebr 2019. Myanmar: WorldFish. Donor Report.


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